
Discovering you’re pregnant can bring a rush of emotions – joy, fear, excitement, uncertainty. Every woman’s experience is unique. At ZoeCare, we recognize and honor your journey, providing unwavering support and information every step of the way. Because we believe that every woman deserves understanding, respect, and comprehensive care as she navigates her pregnancy.

Pregnancy Services

What are your options?

Any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy has a very difficult decision to make. Take some time to know the facts and think through your options. You deserve to be fully informed.

Before making any decision, you will first need to know if you are really pregnant, and if you have a viable pregnancy. One out of every four or five pregnancies ends in a natural miscarriage. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy test.

Consider your three options: parenting, adoption, or abortion.

At ZoeCare, we are here to listen, support you, and help you find answers. Our services are confidential and free of charge.

ZoeCare is here to encourage, equip, and empower you to be a successful parent. Our Mom2Mom and beingDAD programs provide parental support for new moms and dads. We are here to offer you the resources you need for a healthy pregnancy and confident parenting.


If you or your partner are pregnant and have a hard time seeing how you can parent at this time, consider creating an adoption plan for your child. As a parent, it can be the most loving choice you make.

Statistically, adopted children raised in a loving home by a happily-married couple grow to be as successful, happy and healthy as those raised by biological parents under the same circumstances. Many couples are wanting to adopt and would love the opportunity to raise a child in a happy home.

ZoeCare works closely with Lutheran Social Services in the Gallatin Valley. Give them a call to setup an appointment so they can answer all your questions. Or talk with us and we can walk you through your next steps. There are many ways you can be involved in your child’s life even after the adoption plan is finalized.

As a parent, consider how you can be the best parent. Adoption may be the most loving choice.

Call or click the button below to schedule a pregnancy test/ultrasound appointment or to speak with a ZoeCare nurse if you have questions.

If you have recently found out you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you are probably asking yourself “Now what?”. Perhaps you’re thinking you’re not ready to be a parent, or you can’t tell anyone you’re pregnant. We understand how you feel.

Like other big decisions in life, you will want to research your choices. Choosing the right option can be a very difficult decision for anyone. Our registered nurses and patient advocates can help answer any questions you may have. We offer a confidential environment where you can safely explore your options, confirm your pregnancy, and have a limited OB ultrasound to see how far along you are. Make an appointment today. All our services are completely free.

If you have a positive pregnancy test, you may feel you have to make a decision very quickly. We encourage you to take some time and carefully think through your decision. ZoeCare can help you get accurate, helpful information about each of your options.

If you are considering an abortion, you need to know if you are really pregnant, and how far along you are. Even if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms or have taken a home pregnancy test that was positive, you should confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional. You can get a free pregnancy test at ZoeCare.

If you have a positive pregnancy test at ZoeCare, you may qualify for a free, limited OB ultrasound to determine if you have a viable pregnancy.

ZoeCare does not perform or refer for abortions.

Call (406) 586-9444 to schedule a pregnancy test/ultrasound or to speak with a ZoeCare nurse if you have questions.

Free Pregnancy Testing

Realizing you might be pregnant can be overwhelming. We’re here to help. Our confidential pregnancy testing can detect the hCG hormone as early as 7 days post-conception, giving you clarity when you need it most. Beyond the results, we’re here to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer next steps tailored for you.

Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Common symptoms of early pregnancy include:

    • Missed period
    • Spotting
    • Nausea
    • Breast tenderness
    • Fatigue
    • Bloating
    • Dizziness
    • Food cravings or food aversions
    • Moodiness
    • Constipation

    Sometimes there are no noticeable signs or symptoms. And having one or many of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a free and confidential pregnancy test. More information on symptoms.

OB Ultrasound

ZoeCare offers free limited obstetrical ultrasounds if applicable that will:

  • Confirm the pregnancy is in the uterus.
  • Determine how far along you are and the approximate due date.
  • Measure the baby’s heart rate.


If you are considering terminating the pregnancy, an ultrasound is necessary to determine what type of procedure is necessary.

The ultrasounds at ZoeCare are performed and reviewed by medical professionals with advanced ultrasound (sonographer) training. No medical insurance is necessary.

Sexual Health 

It’s possible to have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI) and not know it. Some STDs don’t have symptoms at all, or sometimes symptoms are mild. Because of this, many people who have an infection don’t know it. Getting tested is the only way to be sure.

Some of the most common STDs are:

  • HPV (human papillomavirus)
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonnorhea
  • Herpes
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

Should I get tested?
All sexually active individuals should be tested for an STD. STDs can be transmitted by oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Condoms do not eliminate all risk of STDs.


Where can I get tested?
ZoeCare offers STD testing that is convenient, confidential, and free. Our medical professionals test and treat for most of the common STDs including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, genital warts, syphilis, trichomoniasis and HIV.