Men's Resources

Partner pregnant? Here are some helpful steps for you.

  1. You are vitally important to the health and success of your child. Your positive involvement in your child’s life – beginning before he or she is even born – will help ensure he or she does not live in poverty, that he or she gets a good education, stays away from crime and prison, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t fall prey to sex traffickers, and doesn’t commit suicide. Any man can be a father. Your child needs a dad! Your importance cannot be overstated.
  2. Be involved as much as you can. 1. Come to all appointments with your partner, if possible, including the initial pregnancy test/ultrasound appointment at ZoeCare and all subsequent prenatal visits. Ask questions, learn as much as you can. Be there. Coming in to ZoeCare? We have men on staff who can talk to you and help answer any questions you have.
  3. Support your partner. Let her know how important she is to you. Being pregnant can be a very stressful thing (and all those screaming hormones don’t help the matter) and she needs someone who can walk through all the tough stuff with her, talk about all the options, the future, and how to make it work. That kind of support is important to her.
  4. The basics. 1. Does she have insurance? This is top priority. Do you need a better paying job. Do you have access to, or can you afford, baby supplies such as a crib, car seat, etc.? ZoeCare can help walk you through all of these considerations and more when you come in, including providing free diapers for six months. In the meantime, check out some local help available to you.

beingDAD: Get the Support you need!

Fatherhood is the most important and most rewarding job you will ever have. Be your best at it! One way you can do that is by joining ZoeCare’s beingDAD program which matches you with an older, experienced dad who can walk alongside you, encourage you and help you navigate the road ahead. Our equippers are dads of varied backgrounds, trained by ZoeCare, great men who will listen to and support you. And take you to coffee!


beingDAD is a 12-session program designed to encourage and equip you in three primary areas: Pregnancy, Fatherhood, and Relationship. We also offer variations for the dad whose child is already born and for those co-parenting dads who do not currently live with their children.

You needn’t be a ZoeCare patient or the partner of a patient to enroll in the beingDAD program. If you’d like to sign up, please download an application and send it in to us. Our Fathers Initiative Director will contact you. If you’re coming in for an appointment with your partner, one of our Fathers Initiative advocates will happily talk to you about joining the program.

Don’t neglect the support you need in becoming the great dad you are called to be! ZoeCare would love to help you on your journey.